Go and Java concurrency model

Computation: Virtual thread and Goroutines Both Java virtual threads and Go goroutines are what we call user-space threads. So what is a user-space thread, opposite to Kernel threads (e.g. Thread class in Java) user-space threads, are often managed by the language runtime. This means the language will manage and schedule workload, and context switch between OS threads for you. They are also more lightweight than Kernel threads because they have a smaller memory footprint, don’t need to involve OS calls, and have faster context-switch than Kernel threads.
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How to PaaS Part 1 - Routing

If you haven’t read yet the part 0 of this series is here. Who is routing the requests to your app PaaS platform host application for many users, so when you create an application in the platform how the platform sends the proper request to the correct application. I guess you don’t want someone else receives your request. Here comes the routing component responsible for sending the incoming request to the correct application.
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Terraform initialization script with user_data

If you want to install git or python once Terraform create your EC2 instance.
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Lambda as short circuit

Lambda The lambda’s principal aim in java is to make more readable and concise code. For that, Java lambda has the following property: They are anonymous function because you don’t need to name them In opposition to a method, they are not attached to a particular class. You can pass them around as an argument to other methods and stored them. Normal order Normal order is about executing a function only if needed in opposition to applicative order where what we see when we read the code is executed.
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How to PaaS - Part 0

Are you ever ask yourself how Platforma as a Service (PaaS) work? Then you are in the right place welcome to How to PasS part 0 (yes part 0, table index start at 0 no ?). What a PaaS ? Let’s begin by defining what PaaS, for some of us it’s where we push our fifteenth side project code on free tiers plan and it’s get run by some nice peoples (thanks to them!
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